Thursday, November 20, 2008

Parents should have a united front

There will be many times when you and your spouse/partner do not agree on the rules, of dating, friends, curfews, etc. It is in the best interest of everyone involved to NOT hold these 2 sided discussions in front of your teenager(s).

We have blown that rule a few times, and it only causes bitter feeling amongst the two of you.

Sometimes your opinion "wins", and sometimes it doesn't. And if the winning opinion of the other parents ends up later to not have been the right can go ahead and rub it in with a neener-neener ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, not just dating; most of the major decisions a child will face that requires parental input, dictates parents should always be on the same page. When can they drive the family car? What time should they be home? Parents have to address these issues together before they arise or before they're put on the spot.

    It makes for a stronger husband-wife bond, the kids see none of those chinks in the parental armor to exploit, and they are secure in the underlying message that "yes, we care enough about you to have thought of you before this issue even came up and talked about what would be best for you"



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