I noticed my first one a few years ago. Sure, it was somewhat of a shock, and a little funny. After a quick *pluck* it was gone. Hubby told me "a gray hair is better than no hair." Fine, I started cutting them down instead of plucking them out. And the occasional highlight/lowlight foils seemed to help push them back to the color they really should be. The other thing about it that made me feel "ok" about them was they appeared near the crown of my head. Not to many people look at the top of your head, and especially near the back. There was no more than 3 at a time, and always in the same general area. Over time they did appear to be growing faster, and of course they always stand out, away from the other hairs, as if to say "Hey, look at me!"
Why do gray hairs bother me? The first reason is I don't feel my age. Not that I know exactly what a 43 year old feels like, but I feel really good. My hubby and kids keep me laughing, even while sometimes contributing to my acquiring gray. The second reason is I'm often told I don't look my age. Sure some people are just saying it to be kind. I don't care...I'll take any compliment that comes my way :-) The final reason these gray hairs bother me is because I'm a little vain about my hair. Ok, ok...I'm really vain. Hubby claims that early on in our marriage it would take me 2 hours just to do my hair. Not so...he has no proof. I'll fess up to maybe an hour tops. It doesn't take near that long now, but I still want it to look good, and feel good about how it looks. No, it doesn't have to be perfect...just look good :-)
So you can imagine my dismay just two days ago, when I saw "them"! While waiting for our daughter to come out from school. I pulled down the visor to look at, what else, my hair...it's still in that re-training stage from a fresh foil and trim. After a quick glance I looked back again, and those pesty gray hairs had snuck all the way to the front!!! I looked closer, and counted 10...in the first inch of my hair from my forehead! *GASP* As soon as I got home I got the hair scissors out and cut them all way down, so I can go back to being in denial.
My only question now for the gray hairs is, where in the heck did you come from...I just got a foil 2 days ago!!!
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