Many of you either watch, or have heard of the 'Jon & Kate Plus Eight' reality show. The story of a couple who have a set of twins and a set of sextuplets. And now with tales of infidelity, they are in the media even more.
It's one of those shows where you either Love It or Hate It...I hate it!
I disliked the show from the beginning. Why? Here is a couple who is blessed (with the help of fertility drugs) to have beautiful twin daughters. Then the wife decides she wants "one more baby"...and they have 6 more, again with the help of fertility drugs. Fine, you are blessed many times over, and very fortunate that none have severe health issues.
The final straw is this ongoing reality show. I've only seen bits and pieces over the years, and like many I think Kate is a bitch & Jon is a wimp. Yep, no sugar-coating. I know the importance of being a strong parent, but I also know it is a team effort and you have to earn and show respect to the other team member(s).
With this latest infidelity scandal, all I can do is think of the children. What the hell are these parent's thinking?!?! Even IF Jon isn't cheating, and she's "just a friend". DUDE...you are a t.v. reality "star", and the paparazzi follow you! And Kate...gee, maybe if she didn't doll yourself up so much and dress like a *insert your own word* while out without her hubby, people wouldn't "assume" she's having an affair with her bodyguard. And her arrogance is disgusting...a whole lotta Humble pie is needed.
Because of all this recent fodder I saw a before-and-after picture of Kate. The before was shortly after she gave birth to the sextuplets, the after was a recent photo with her blonde peacock-do. The article talked about how the show paid for her tummy tuck, tanning sessions and a personal trainer...basically her overall transformation. What I find utterly sad is that this transformation has turned this mother into a material-money grubbing-media star. Even Jon admits in a recent magazine article they are doing Season 5 because of the material benefits. Material benefits are NOT what make a family a happy family! It's the non-material things that set a solid foundation to build on, and to grow in a positive & healthy way.
I do love that her own brother said in a recent interview that they shouldn't let fortune and fame destroy their family.
Jon & Kate have truly lost touch with reality.
Couldn't of said it better.