Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Moving to the dorm...is he ready? Am I ready?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Smaller Cereal Boxes...General Mills & Kelloggs...get real! Thank you Malt-O-Meal!

After months of seeing the cereal boxes shrink in size, and the price per ounce increase, I've had enough! As a Mom of 3 teenagers, I want answers. An 8.7 oz box of cereal will maybe be enough for 2 breakfasts...and no, I'm not talking all 3 teens eating 2 breakfasts. I'm talking 2 teens eating 1 breakfast!
Add to that the fact that in our neck of the woods these cereals are going on SALE at $1.97 - $2.50 each. Yes, that's the sale price for many cereals that are as small as 8.7 oz.*thud* At seven days a week x 3 teens, that's 21 a week. Rounding up to 22, that's 11 boxes of cereal a week...at sale price we're talking appx $22 - $28/week...just for cereal!
My kids have grown up on your cereals, and have been eating them for 17 years! The very first cereal they had as toddlers was General Mill's Cheerios. I think this is most kids' first cereal :-)As they got older we started allowing what we call the "sugared" cereals. Today one of their favorites is Kellogg's Fruit Loops. Of course they also like Kellogg's Raisin Bran, Mini Wheats, Frosted Corn Flakes; along with General Mill's Lucky Charms, Trix and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
However, being the frugal person that I am, I have taken to buying the big bagged cereals from Malt-O-Meal. They offer a very nice variety of my kid's favorite cereals, at a price that is typically much lower per ounce. And after many taste tests, they are overall better tasting than the store labeled generic brands. I've heard they are supposedly made by the big name cereal companies, but we have noticed a lower quality in taste and consistency with some of them.
I'll continue to watch the ads, and I'll continue to clip and use coupons. But I can no longer promise to support the big brand cereal companies who feel the need to squeeze out the little life-long family of consumers.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Dream Analysis...Midgets...Really???

I'm not normally one to document or talk about my dreams with anyone other than my husband. Mainly because they're stupid, or I just don't remember them.
But...last night was one of the most bizarre dreams I've had. We went to a funeral for a dear friend, who happened to be a midget / little person. The son was also a midget / little person, and so was the wife.
After arriving and giving our condolences the wife looked at the high-healed boots my two daughters and I were wearing, and then asks us to remove them so we'll be shorter. We obliged. End of dream.
I'm very glad I don't try to analyze, because I wouldn't even know WHERE to begin with this one LOL
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Calvin Klein Billboard - How Do We Stop It?

Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Emotions Of Graduation

Friday was the big High School Graduation Ceremony. Leading up to it I was fully prepared to be a blubbering idiot during the commencement…I’m a sap. I also invested a lot of time and emotion into raising our children to be great students, and really good people.
To my surprise I didn’t shed a tear! I had this huge pile of Puffs in my purse, and only touched them to move them to an outside pocket of my purse, for easy access. I had worn the waterproof mascara also.
It probably helped that it was chaotic just to get into the gym. The seating was first-come, first-choice on seats. The doors were to open at 6:30...we arrived at exactly 6:30...you should have seen the huge lineup of people outside waiting! My hubby dropped my daughters and I off so we could get a spot in the line while he parked the car.
As we made our way to the gymnasium I kept thinking “Please let us get good seats to take photos from!”
Of course, all of the premier seats were taken by the mass of people in line ahead of us. We did manage to find seats pretty close to the front, but pretty high up.
So, back to the topic…why didn’t I cry?
Maybe it was the lady in front of us who was crying at everything…and I mean everything! The student speeches, the choir’s 1 song, the School Board member’s speech….everything.
More than likely it was seeing how truly happy our son was to be there. As he walked in and took his seat he was looking for us. He really wanted to find where we were. In the masses he finally saw us, and has the best smile on his face! And when he accepted his diploma he looked at us a waved a few times on his walk back to his seat.
The good news is that when we go thru this 2 years from now with our twin daughters we will be the ones “in the know”, and we will be at the head of the line. I wonder if that’s the time I be a blubbering idiot?